
Proposed Features

  • Shortcuts11

    I am a passionate keyboard user and therefore it would be great if you could offer shortcuts to perform the most common actions.

  • Share links directly to Writerie7

    I want to be able to share interesting links I may later use in my documents via a browser extension or via the native share menu.

Features in Progress

  • Templates

    I want to be able to save a document as a template, so I can easily reuse it later.

Launched Features

  • Categorization25

    I want to be able to tag my documents so I can group them.

  • Custom font5

    It would be nice if we could use custom fonts - either locally installed ones or a few alternatives provided by the app. Using a monospace font even in non-code things feels tiring.

  • Text to speech4

    I want an option to listen to the content of my documents.

  • Comments

    I want to be able to add comments for texts and blocks.

  • Overview of links used

    I often use links in documents and it would be fantastic to be able to add links and see what links are used in a document. Bonus point for showing if a link is not reachable.

  • Export documents

    Please offer the option to export my document in various formats. Ideally Markdown, HTML and PDF.

  • Table of contents

    It would be great to quickly see the outline of my documents by offering a table of contents.

  • Markdown

    I want to be able to use a simple Markdown editor instead of the WYSIWG editor and be able to switch between the two modes anytime.

  • Dark Mode

    When I have dark Mode enabled the app should honor this and adjust the appearance.